Title Loan Software

Title Loans

Closely related to Payday Loans and Cash Advances in nature, Auto Title Loans are managed with ease by eCheckTrac. It's not surprising that Vehicle Title Lenders are able to take advantage of many of the same features that are available for Payday Loans and Installment Loans.

  • Easy to learn and use
  • Comprehensive Rules Engine
  • Thorough reporting
  • Teller Cash drawer management
  • Flag delinquent accounts for repossession
  • Repossessed Vehicle Inventory
  • Track sales of repossessed vehicles
  • Manage professional partners (Repo companies, Auction companies, dealerships, etc)
  • Remote Auditing cuts down internal fraud
  • General Ledger (Principal, NSF Principal, Interest, NSF Interest, etc)

Call now to schedule a no-obligation live demonstration, or request one online.